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Inline Content

An array of InlineContent objects is used to describe the rich text content inside a block. Inline content can either be styled text or a link, and we'll go over both these in the next section.

Styled Text

Styled text is used to display pieces of text with markup, or styling, and is defined using a StyledText object:

type Styles = {
  bold?: true;
  italic?: true;
  underline?: true;
  strikethrough?: true;
  textColor?: string;
  backgroundColor?: string;

type StyledText = {
  type: "text";
  text: string;
  styles: Styles;

text: The text that should be displayed with the markup in styles.

styles: An object containing the markup/styling that should be applied to the text.

Links are used to create clickable hyperlinks that go to some URL, and are made up of pieces of styled text. They're defined using Link objects:

type Link = {
  type: "link";
  content: StyledText[];
  href: string;

content: The Styled Text that should be used to display the link.

href: The URL that should be opened when clicking the link.